Happy new year 2021
The year 2020 has been an unpredictable ride through the pandemic, protests and many more difficulties that had made living life quite hard for people across the globe. But as we near the end of this year, we all should accept the fact that with every passing year, one should leave behind the bad memories and mistakes. So now, as we embrace the upcoming year, 2021, let us all be positive and cheery with shining spirits and aspirations for the future. We should vow to not let the negative times affect us in looking forward to the future and working hard to achieve our dreams and ambitions. So, let us all embrace the new year with much-needed hopes and happiness. This is the perfect time of the year to connect with people who you haven’t met for a while, particularly amid the pandemic and phases of lockdown. Send New Year wishes, New Year greetings and make your reservation for your next trip with us next time you visit Corfu.